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Read This! says Keeks

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Chazown: A Different Way to See Your Life

Chazown: khaw-ZONE - A Different Way to See Your Life - Craig Groeschel Chazown: Define your vision, pursue your passion, live your life on purpose by Craig Groeschel is a book I refer to frequently.Chazown is vision.This is a guidebook to use to map your life.This book offers practically and accurate information to identify your life's main theme by focusing on five areas: Relationship with God Relationship with others Work life Financial life Physical lifeIt is laid out simply, but don't underestimate its effectiveness. Of course it's up to you to put this into action.If I were to bundle a life support set of books it would include: Chazown Quitter by Jon Acuff A Million Miles in a Thousand Years by Donald Miller Creating Your Personal Life Plan by Michael Hyatt War of Art by Steven PressfieldAlso, you can visit the Chazown website and enjoy free resources and teachings to help you create your own personal Chazown. There are Chazown conferences/workshops you can also attend at participating churches and small groups. I attended in the fall of 2010 and still use the tools and information I received to live my life with vision and with purpose. It was a phenomenal experience and very encouraging to be surrounded with others committing to live life intentionally.***Favorite Quote Where there is no vision, the people perish... Proverbs 29:18aFor more reviews, visit www.theycallmekeeks.com